Posted by: allaboutcheryl | February 11, 2018

Cardio Exercise

It is so important for my new lifestyle to do consistently do those things that are beneficial for me.

One of those things, is to regularly exercise.

I am not trying to enter a senior citizen competition. I just want to be healthier. I want to replace some of this jiggly fat on my body with more muscle mass.

Every since I had my bilateral hip replacement surgeries, I’ve noticed that my one-legged balance is not what it used to be.

Also, in my plan to reverse the risk of diabetes, lifestyle changes including at least 150 minutes of activity.

So many ailments can be reduced, eliminated or maintained by our food choices and exercise.

I have determined that I WILL exercise.

I may not end up with a totally buff body, well defined arms or sculpted abs. BUT! I will be more toned than if i didn’t do anything.

So don’t judge me, you may be much younger, more agile, more motivated than me…but I am trying to get in at least ninety minutes of activity a day. And a lot of times, that is all from walking.

Periodically, I will use my hand weights, resistance bands, do some water aerobics. But, I can always count on walking, stretching or doing chair aerobics. Those things are readily available and easier for me.

I am trying to push myself, though. To make the time spent more beneficial, more worthwhile. But sometimes life happens and I get too busy.

Since I am a morning person, I can get up and do 60-75 minutes of something, while Jackie is still asleep. Or go to the rec center.

One thing that pushes me, is the desire to be a more active senior. While I was caregiving for my mother, I was well aware of how she sat in her recliner about 95% of her waking time. The other 5% was her slow, laborious trek to the bathroom.

I know she had preexisting health issues that limited her mobility, but sitting all day like that only made things more pronounced. And I know that something could happen to change my status in life, but while I have breath in my body and the activity of my limbs, I will get up and move!

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